New BUG in Excel 2010?



I have found what I believe to be a bug. I have researched i
extensively but have found nothing. I apologize if I missed something.
This is what I've got

Excel 2010 in Windows 7
1. Open New workboo
2. Select entire sheet, right click and clear checks from Forma
Cells\Protection tab
3. Select any column, check "locked" on Protection tab. (use "L" fo
this example
4. Select and HIDE columns M, N and O
5. Protect sheet
6. Select column L thru P (in order to unhide
7. Right clic

At this point, Excel locks up and requires closure of the program t
regain control. This happens on every pc that I have tried it on. I
appears to be right clicking on a locked column in a protected workshee
is the issue

Anyone seen this before? Any info would be helpful

Many thanks


Whays brought next idea :
I have found what I believe to be a bug. I have researched it
extensively but have found nothing. I apologize if I missed something.
This is what I've got.

Excel 2010 in Windows 7.
1. Open New workbook
2. Select entire sheet, right click and clear checks from Format
Cells\Protection tab.
3. Select any column, check "locked" on Protection tab. (use "L" for
this example)
4. Select and HIDE columns M, N and O.
5. Protect sheet.
6. Select column L thru P (in order to unhide)
7. Right click

At this point, Excel locks up and requires closure of the program to
regain control. This happens on every pc that I have tried it on. It
appears to be right clicking on a locked column in a protected worksheet
is the issue.

Anyone seen this before? Any info would be helpful.

Many thanks.

You can't hide/unhide cols/rows on a protected sheet via the UI. If you
want to be able to do this via the UI then 'Group' the cols/rows and
allow outlining when you set protection. Otherwise you'll need to
unprotect before you hide/unhide rows/cols!

Alternatively, you could use a macro to do this on the locked sheet. If
you set the protection parameter 'UserInterfaceOnly:=True' then your
macro won't have to toggle protection. (Note that this parameter does
not persist between sessions, and so must be reset when the workbook is


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