New Records Not In Query



Hello All:

I have a query with a very detailed criteria. I inputted new records
by using forms that meet the criteria of the query. However, they are
not there. Can anyone tell me of some type of refresh that I need to
do in order for the records to show up in the query? The records are
in the main table and the main query. Any input would be appreciated.

-Anthony Moran
Pension Fund Intern

Jerry Whittle

If you put in the records; close the form; then open the query, the records
should be there if they meet the criteria.

Are the records in the table(s)?
What happens if you start removing criteria in the query?
Does the query have an inner join between more than one table?

Jeff Boyce


Queries retrieve records from tables (and other queries).

Tables store data.

Forms are used to display (and enter/edit) data.

If you've added records via your forms, those records should be in the
underlying table. First confirm that your newly added records are being

Next, have you re-run the query after adding the records? Each time a
"Select" query is run, it will look for all records matching the selection

If you have confirmed that the new records are in the table, but the query
(re-run) does not find them, then the selection criteria don't match what's
in the new records. An example of this involves the difference between
searching for a record that matches a specific date (say, #5/1/2007#) vs a
field in the table that stores a date/time value (e.g. noon on 5/1/2007).


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


Thanks everyone for the efficient response. Yes the records are in
the table. There are records already within the query that are
equivalent to that the new records inputted.

Jeff- when you say "re-run" do you mean hitting the exclamation point
on the toolbar at the top? I'm a novice at access so I am not
familiar with all the lingo.


-Anthony Morano

Jeff Boyce


How were you "running" the query before?

Two ways, right off the top...

One is to highlight the query name in the database window and press <Enter>.

Another is to open the query in design view and hit the <!> button, as you

(other ways involve using macros or code to run the query)


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


I attempted to run the query again and unfortunately it did not work.
I believe that I have an error in the Criteria. I have 9 lines of
criteria and I believe that some may contradict each other. It is
actually very hard to get it right. I don't understand why when I
delete one field that something else works in its place instead. For
example I delete <>"CANCELLED" and this brings up records that didn't
have "CANCELLED" in that field. It is really frustrating.

Anthony Morano
Pension Fund Intern

Jeff Boyce


When I have a particularly complex set of selection criteria to figure out,
I start out from the beginning. I'll use a single selection criterion and
make sure that's working, then add a second, and check. And again, ... and
again, ... and again!

Good luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

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