Newbie - closing Outlook down properly from VB app



hi - anyone help me with this please

I'm opening Outlook from my VB app but when the user closes the Outlook session, "Outlook.exe" is still running under Task Manager, Processes. If I don't manually close it from Task manager, my VB app hangs. I've tried detecting the user closing the Outlook Window and then setting the Outlook application object to Nothing, but this doesn't help...

thanks for any information!

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Check for no Explorers and Inspectors, release all Outlook objects and
use the Outlook.Applicaiton.Quit method before you release the
Outlook.Application object. See if that works.

AndyK said:
hi - anyone help me with this please?

I'm opening Outlook from my VB app but when the user closes the
Outlook session, "Outlook.exe" is still running under Task Manager,
Processes. If I don't manually close it from Task manager, my VB app
hangs. I've tried detecting the user closing the Outlook Window and
then setting the Outlook application object to Nothing, but this
doesn't help....

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