Not receiving return receipts



All of a sudden I am not receiving return receipts for any of the email that
I send. I have checked my settings and the correct boxes have been checked
off. Has anyone else had this problem? It happened quite suddenly and since
it happened I have not received either a return receipt or notification of an
email being read for any of the hundreds of emails I have sent.

I am using the Office 2003 product and Windows XP.



All of a sudden I am not receiving return receipts for any of the email that
I send. I have checked my settings and the correct boxes have been checked
off. Has anyone else had this problem? It happened quite suddenly and since
it happened I have not received either a return receipt or notification of an
email being read for any of the hundreds of emails I have sent.

I am using the Office 2003 product and Windows XP.
Read receipts are voluntary on the recipients' part and most people
don't send them, by default.


Let me clarify this a bit. I know it is not a matter of the recipient opting
not to send a receipt. When I email my work email address from my house I am
not receiving a receipt. When I email my wife or children I am not getting a
receipt. In each of these cases I would normally get one.

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