Office 2003 backward to 2000



I have a computer with Office 2003 pro for which I don't have the disks. I
am thinking of reverting to Office 2000 pro for which I do have the disks.
My question is, will Office 2k open and edit files created in Office 2003?
The OS is Windows 2K.

Thank you


My question is, will Office 2k open and edit files created in Office 2003?

Yes, I do it all the time (work = '03->Home 2k).
Anything unique to '03 will cause some unpredictable results in 2k but, for me at least,
this has been minimal and has happened mainly in VBA.


Replacement media is usually available, you've tried this route?
Outlook 2003 (format) file is not readable by Outlook 2k.

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