Office 2007 via GP - config.xml help



Hi all

I want to use group policy to install office 2007. I know MS have limited
support for GP deployment of office 2007, but this is the way I need to do

I have created the GPO that deploys Office 2007 and I have edited the
config.xml file in \Enterprise.WW.

The problem: Is that the installation ignores my OptionState settings, it
installs all office 2007 including Access, which I have set to NOT install
using the optionState settings. The log on my test PC show that the
installation IS reading config.xml and picks up settings before and after
the OptionState settings, it just ignores them.

Any ideas? I have been around and around all the technet articles on office
2007 deployment, confix.xml syntax and googled extensively.




<Configuration Product="Enterprise">

<Display Level="basic" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="no"
AcceptEula="yes" />

<Logging Type="standard" Path="%temp%" Template="Microsoft Office Enterprise
Setup(*).txt" />

<PIDKEY Value="xxxxxrealoneinherexxx" />

<USERNAME Value="team" />

<COMPANYNAME Value="my company" />

<INSTALLLOCATION Value="%programfiles%\Microsoft Office" />


<SOURCELIST Value="\\server\share\Office2007\enterprise" />

<DistributionPoint Location="\\server\share\Office2007\enterprise" />

<OptionState Id="AccessFiles" State="absent" Children="force" />

<OptionState Id="ExcelFiles" State="Local" />

<OptionState Id="GrooveFiles" State="Advertise" Children="force" />

<OptionState Id="OneNoteFiles" State="Advertise" Children="force" />

<OptionState Id="OUTLOOKFiles" State="Local" />

<OptionState Id="PPTFiles" State="Local" />

<OptionState Id="PubPrimary" State="Advertise" Children="force" />

<OptionState Id="RMSFiles" State="Advertise" Children="force" />

<OptionState Id="WORDFiles" State="Local" />

<OptionState Id="XDOCSFiles" State="Advertise" Children="force" />

<OptionState Id="SHAREDFiles" State="Local" />

<OptionState Id="TOOLSFiles" State="Local" />

<OptionState Id="EXCELFiles" State="Local" />

<Setting Id="Reboot" Value="IfNeeded" />


Tim Vander Kooi

I may be missing something, but I have done hundreds of Office 2007 installs
and when using the msi to start the install all options are ignored no matter
how you configure it. If you want your changes to take effect you must run
the install from the exe. This can be done from Group Policy via a Startup or
Logon Script.


.... working on a similar problem (want to post-install Project, Visio and
SharepointDesigner via GPO/MSI to a subset of the office users) and that's
how I stumbled over this entry).

Found in another blog that the enrties in the XML file are sometimes case
sensitive and the author quoted that he was successful with replacing
"OptionState Id=" by "OptionState ID=" ...

hope that helps - very curious!



The problem is the caching option - this will prevent the installatio
from occurring.


Remove the line and you should be ok

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