Office Fix after Blaster worm fix



Here is the short answer. On win 2K systems, prior to SP3,
the installer version is 1.x. In all of the cases I have
seen, Office was already installed when SP3 was applied
to the system. Since the 2.0 version of the Installer
package has a different Installer hive location and
structure than the 1.x version, Office will cease to
function properly if the registry keys do not get migrated
properly (it should happen when SP3 runs). If they do not
get moved during the application of SP3, Office will tend
to respond as you have described. The reason is, only
parts of the keys for Office exist in the 2.0 hive
location after a failed migration and 2.0 is designed to
try and fix what is broken. In cases such as these, it
can't be repaired because ALL of the keys are not in place.

The reason for the migration not being performed during
the SP3 installation, could be related to DCOM settings
not being correct.


This will not always be the case. There are circumstances
where this explanation is not valid and more
troubleshooting will be necessary to resolve an issue like
this. This is merely a 'best case' type of scenario that
deals with 80 - 90% of the cases reporting this problem.


Hopethis helps explain what happened. You will want to
talk to a Microsoft Office Support Professional to be sure
that all possible scenarios are looked at. They may also
have a tool that will assist with this problem.

PS: Office is not broken, it is just not 'seen' correctly
by the 2.0 installer in most cases

Hope this helps...

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