Organization Chart Shape Height Setting


Dave Paz

Is anyone else having trouble setting the org chart shape height under
Organization Chart/Options/Height?

I'm working on a macro that runs the Org Chart Wizard. I've modified the
ORGCH_U.VST template to set the shape width to 1.25 inches and the height to
0.75 inches. When I run the macro, the shapes have the width I set the
template to, but not the height. It is always 0.5 inches, no matter what.
After the org chart has been created by the wizard, I can interactively
change the Org Chart/Options/Height, but I need to do that programmatically.

I'm running Visio 2003 SP 2.

Any thoughts?



Try next after you select the shpes to be changed.
Sub test()
Dim shp As Visio.Shape
For Each shp In ActiveWindow.Selection
shp.Cells("Height").FormulaU = "0.6 in"
End Sub

Dave Paz

Thank you. That sort of helps, but now I have the problem of
programmatically doing a re-layout, since the shapes are now different sizes.
I've posed that question in a different post.

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