Out of Stack Space error



I have a really simple solution. When Word opens, a form is loaded that has
the following controls:

3 combo boxes: cboYear, cboMonth, cboDate
4 command buttons: cmdPrev, cmdNext, cmdUpdate, cmdClose

When the form loads, the combo boxes are initialized to constitute the date
of the next monday, the current day included.

Once loaded, the user can set any date he wishes using any combination of
the combo boxes.

The cmdUpdate button updates 5 bookmarks on the document.
cmdClose obviously closes the form
cmdPrev and cmdNext change the value of the combo boxes to display the date
of the previous, or next week. These are the controls that are triggering the
error. After about 6 or so clicks, I get the Out of Stack Space error. Its a
pretty small module with no recursion whatsoever. The whole module codes are
pasted below. Any ideas. Thanks.

================== C O D E * B E L O W ===================
Option Explicit
Dim Changed As Boolean
Dim Cnt%

Private Sub cboDate_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If Not IsDate(cboMonth & "/" & cboDate & "/" & cboYear) Then
MsgBox "Invalid entry. Only monday dates are allowed. Select or
enter a date from the listed values"
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cboDate_Change()
Changed = Cnt = 1
End Sub

Private Sub cboMonth_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If Not IsDate(cboMonth & "/1/" & cboYear) Or IsNumeric(cboMonth) Then
Cancel = -1
MsgBox "Invalid entry. Select or enter one of the listed month values"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cboMonth_Change()
Dim x%, Span%, d%
Dim dte As Date, dte2 As Date

Changed = Cnt = 1
dte = cboMonth & "/1/" & cboYear
dte2 = DateAdd("m", 1, dte) - 1
Span = DateDiff("d", dte, dte2) + 1

For x = 1 To Span
If Format(dte, "ddd") = "Mon" Then
d = Format(dte, "d")
cboDate.AddItem d
dte2 = cboMonth & "/" & d & "/" & cboYear
If dte2 >= Date And cboDate = "" Then cboDate = d
End If

dte = dte + 1

End Sub

Private Sub cboYear_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If Not IsDate(cboMonth & "/1/" & cboYear) Then
Cancel = -1
MsgBox "Invalid Year entry. Select or enter one of the listed values"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cboYear_Change()
Dim x%, m%
Dim dte As Date

Changed = Cnt = 1

If CInt(cboYear) = Year(Date) Then
m = Format(Date, "m")
m = 1
End If

For x = m To 12
cboMonth.AddItem Format(x & "/1/" & cboYear, "mmmm")

If cboMonth <> "" Then ValidateDates
End Sub

Sub ValidateDates()
Dim dte As Date
Dim x%

dte = cboMonth & "/" & cboDate & "/" & cboYear

If Not IsDate(dte) Or Format(dte, "ddd") <> "Mon" Then

If cboMonth & cboYear = Format(Date, "mmmmyyyy") Then
For x = 0 To cboDate.ListCount - 1
dte = cboMonth & "/" & cboDate.List(x) & "/" & cboYear

If dte >= Date Then
cboDate = cboDate.List(x)
Exit For
End If
cboDate = cboDate.List(0)
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdNext_Click()
Dim dte As Date

dte = cboMonth & "/" & cboDate & "/" & cboYear
dte = DateAdd("ww", 1, dte)
cboYear = Year(dte)
cboMonth = Format(dte, "mmmm")
cboDate = Day(dte)
End Sub

Private Sub cmdPrev_Click()
Dim dte As Date

dte = cboMonth & "/" & cboDate & "/" & cboYear
dte = DateAdd("ww", -1, dte)
cboYear = Year(dte)
cboMonth = Format(dte, "mmmm")
cboDate = Day(dte)
End Sub

Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
Dim dte As Date
Dim bmk As Bookmark, rng As Range, Doc As Document
Dim x%

Set Doc = ThisDocument
dte = cboMonth & "/" & cboDate & "/" & cboYear
Set rng = Doc.Bookmarks("MonDate").Range
rng.Text = Format(dte, "mm/dd/yyyy")
Doc.Bookmarks.Add "MonDate", rng

dte = dte + 1
Set rng = Doc.Bookmarks("TueDate").Range
rng.Text = Format(dte, "mm/dd/yyyy")
Doc.Bookmarks.Add "TueDate", rng

dte = dte + 1
Set rng = Doc.Bookmarks("WedDate").Range
rng.Text = Format(dte, "mm/dd/yyyy")
Doc.Bookmarks.Add "WedDate", rng

dte = dte + 1
Set rng = Doc.Bookmarks("ThuDate").Range
rng.Text = Format(dte, "mm/dd/yyyy")
Doc.Bookmarks.Add "ThuDate", rng

dte = dte + 1
Set rng = Doc.Bookmarks("FriDate").Range
rng.Text = Format(dte, "mm/dd/yyyy")
Doc.Bookmarks.Add "FriDate", rng

Changed = False
Set bmk = Nothing
Set rng = Nothing
Set Doc = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim Yr%, x%

Yr = Year(Date)
cboYear = Yr
cboMonth = Format(Date, "mmmm")

For x = 1 To 2
cboYear.AddItem Yr
Yr = Yr + 1
Next x

Cnt = 1
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
Dim Response%

If Changed Then
Response = MsgBox("Do you want to update the document with the
changes you made?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Commit Changes")
If Response = vbYes Then cmdUpdate_Click
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub


Does the error by any chance occur when you click enough times to bring you
into a new year? - if so, it may be that your code isn't accounting for the
change in year - just a guess....


Tony Jollans

The assertion that there is no recursion whatsoever is false:

ValidateDates calls cboMonth_Change and cboMonth_Change calls ValidateDates

I haven't gone through the code in detail but it does look like this
recursion is probably invoked on change of year, as GF says.


No, thats not it. It actually handles the new year changeover quite well, as
long as it occurs within the first few clicks. Starting from any date, the
stack is exhausted after the first 6 or 7 changes


On closer observation, you were right. This looked simpler on the surface
than it actually turned out to be. I eventually found a not so perfect
solution. It works. Its imperfection comes in performance. When there is a
year changeover, there is a noticeable delay (about 3 or 4 seconds). Since it
eventually updates the controls correctly, I didnt bother to take the time to
figure out what exactly those seconds were spend doing. All in all, thanks
for your input

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