Outlook 2003 links cause crash after installing Windows XP SP3



Yesterday I installed Windows XP SP3.

Now when I receive an email message in Outlook 2003 with a link in it; if I
click on the link, Outlook 2003 crashes and the destination link is not
opened in Windows Internet Explorer 7.

I have to copy and paste the link from the email message to Windows Internet
Explorer in order to get it to work.

Short of restoring my system to the way it was before I installed Windows XP
SP3, is there any way to fix this problem?

Pat Willener

Can you see any error code when Outlook "crashes"? If not, check the
Event Viewer (Applications) for the time when the crash occurred.

P.S. have you all updates applied to Office 2003? (I have XP-SP3 and no
problems with Outlook links.)


Thanks Pat,

After I posted the message [below], I thought it might be helpful to reboot
which I did. When I opened IE7, it took me to an Microsoft IE7 download and
install page. Since I had sent 3 or 4 crash reports (the little box that
comes up when a program crashes and it asks you if you want to report the
problem to Microsoft), I figured Microsoft or something was hinting that I
need to download and reinstall IE7 which I did. Outlook links are again
working to open IE7 webpages. I can only figure that something became
convoluted or corrupt when I installed the XP-SP3 yesterday.

Thanks again for your response.

Pat Willener

It's good to hear that some problems just fix themselves :)

Ron_in_San_Antonio said:
Thanks Pat,

After I posted the message [below], I thought it might be helpful to reboot
which I did. When I opened IE7, it took me to an Microsoft IE7 download and
install page. Since I had sent 3 or 4 crash reports (the little box that
comes up when a program crashes and it asks you if you want to report the
problem to Microsoft), I figured Microsoft or something was hinting that I
need to download and reinstall IE7 which I did. Outlook links are again
working to open IE7 webpages. I can only figure that something became
convoluted or corrupt when I installed the XP-SP3 yesterday.

Thanks again for your response.

Pat Willener said:
Can you see any error code when Outlook "crashes"? If not, check the
Event Viewer (Applications) for the time when the crash occurred.

P.S. have you all updates applied to Office 2003? (I have XP-SP3 and no
problems with Outlook links.)

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