Outlook View Control - Show other user's calendar



I have created a team calendar in SharePoint using the following MAPI code
however I have an issue when trying to pull in another user besides my own
user name. In the past I had always used a little VBScript to pull in other
users calendar through a content editor webpart in SharePoint and it worked
flawlessly; however I am in a SP environment where they do not allow
VBScripts so I had to try the MAPI route. The following is the code I used
to pull in the Outlook MAPI Calendar but it will only pull in my own calendar
when I place my username in the code, if I place any other username is only
shows white space. I have adjusted permissions to Author in Outlook for the
Calendar but still doesn't work. Any help would be appreciated:


<OBJECT classid=CLSID:0006F063-0000-0000-C000-000000000046
<param name="Namespace" value="MAPI">
<param name="Folder" value="\\Mailbox - Doe, John\calendar">
<param name="Restriction" value="">
<param name="DeferUpdate" value="0">


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