Partial solution


Caio Pereira

Hi Dragisa,

Did you solve this?

I need to find a solution. I have a way to save it without losing your baseline data.

Email: (e-mail address removed)
MSN: (e-mail address removed)

Dragi?a Kacavenda wrote:

BCWP, BCWS - losing values

on the project I regularly entered baseline and
values in the column bcwp and bcws were filled with a values.
Until now.
Today when I opened the project, value in bcwp and bcws were set to 0 (zero)
values for the baseline are still there in baseline column.
Is there a way to restore these values in bcwp and bcws column?
Reset values (tools/tracking/set baseline - entire baseline) is not a option

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Hello Caio Pereira,

Please give us some more information to work from. What version (including
service pack) of Project are you using? Are you using Project in conjunction
with Project Server? What is your status date? If the status date is before
the schedule date of the tasks, the BCWS and BCWP would be zero.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


Dragisa K

Unfortunately, I have not solve the problem.
Now the problem occurs less frequently
There must be some mistake in Project Server 2007 on databese level, but I dont now what.
Until now, I found nowhere the answer to this problem. I hope that you will have better luck than me. Please, send a message (mail) if you find out something.
best regards
Dragisa K

Caio Pereira wrote:

Partial solution

Hi Dragisa,

Did you solve this?

I need to find a solution. I have a way to save it without losing your baseline data.

Email: (e-mail address removed)
MSN: (e-mail address removed)

Previous Posts In This Thread:

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Rob Schneider

Since this deals with Project Server, you might be better served if you
re-post the issue on the newsgroup dedicated to that product:

Perhaps this issue has been previously discussed and you can find that
out by searching past threads.


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