pasting excel table


Jim Sheehan

There appears to be a new feature in Excel 2007 called copy as picture (as
shown when printed option), and this is the only way that I can now paste
from an Excel 2007 spreadsheet to Word 2007 and not include both cell borders
and cell comments. However, when running an Excel 2003 spreadsheet in
compatability mode, I do not have the copy as picture command and while I can
turn off cell borders temporarily, I need to remove the cell comments to keep
the comments marker from appearing.

As I work in a multi-excel version environment I would prefer not to have 07
and 03 versions of all the spreadsheets I'm dealing with. Has anyone
experienced this using 2003 and 2007 Excel or know of a way to keep the
comment marker from copying over? I much prefer the previous copy/paste
keyboard two-step that seemed to default in no gridlines and comment markers.

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