Pivot Table Problem - Use Total Count in Other Formulas



Not sure if this is possible or not in Pivot Tables.
Here's my data.

Product Comm
Item1 1.50%
Item1 1.50%
Item1 1.50%
Item2 2.00%
Item3 2.50%
Item3 2.50%
Item3 2.50%
Item4 3.00%
Item5 3.50%
Item5 3.50%

This table shows items and what commission is paid for the given item.
First I get a count by percent for all items in a pivot table.

Count of Product
Product Total
Item1 30%
Item2 10%
Item3 30%
Item4 10%
Item5 20%

Now I want to get a blended total percent by multiplying the Count
percentage times the individual commission.

This is what I'd like my pivot table to look like

Count of Product
Product Total Comm Blended (Total X Comm)
Item1 30% 1.50% .45%
Item2 10% 2.0% .60%
Item3 30% 2.5% .75%
Item4 10% 3.0% .90%
Item5 20% 3.5% 1.05%

I can get this to work if I combine the Count pivot table and regular
Excel cell formulas but items alway change so I have to constantly add
or delete the extra formula cells.

Can I get all this into one pivot table? Thanks in advance.

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