PivotChart disassociation from PivotTable


Sean McPoland

Hi all,

I have a PivotTable - wonderful - took a long time to figure this out but

Anyway I also have a PivotChart that works wonderfully thank you MS...but I
want to take a copy of the chart after Pivoting the data and save it to a
second WorkSheet and Dis-associate it from the chart so it does not update
when I go and refresh the Pivot table...

required workflow is as follows:

Pivottable refresh - Select chart - save to sheet2-A1
Change citeria
Pivottable refresh - Select chart - save to sheet2-A20
Change citeria
Pivottable refresh - Select chart - save to sheet2-A30
Print Sheet2

therefore getting more than one chart on a sheet of paper and reducing my
carbon emissions...

I hope this makes sense...

This ability to "snapshot" a pivottable graph would be so wonderful an make
life so easy.

Many thanks in advance

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