Powerpoint 2000 BeforeSave workaround




I am attempting to assist users to "remember" to enter the File-
Properties (eg. Subject, etc) when they Save or SaveAs their

I have created a Add-in (based on what I can find on the www) and this
can be deployed to multiple user's desktops so that when they create
new Powerpoint files, they will "remember" to enter the relevant File-
Since there is no PresentationBeforeSave in Powerpoint 2000, I have
attempted to add code to PresentationSave event where it will check
for that "compulsory" File-Properties are filled up.
If they were not filled up, I wanted to display a message followed by
the File-Properties Dialogbox and loop till they have filled them up.
I did this using:
However, the dialog box never shows up and it kept looping and
displaying my msgbox.

1. Anyway to get it working?
2. Any better approach?

Guess as a last resort: I might have to display my own dialogbox to
capture the required information, populate the builtin file properties
and exit the loop

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards.

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