ppt2007 windows vista problem

  • Thread starter Victor and TJ Friedmann
  • Start date

Victor and TJ Friedmann

This is a follow up to my previous posting. My packaged presentation with
pptviewer works fine on my WiundowsXP computer, ie. the embedded sound files
work, although the speaker figures appear in the wrong place (why is that?)
But when I use the same package on Windows Vista--no sound from the embedded
sound files. I have tried linking to external sound files, too (get message
that viewer cannot open wav files). No luck. Any ideas?



TAJ Simmons


Chances are your sounds are not making it through (or are not embedded)

It the XP machine the one you created the show on?
That's probably why powerpoint can find the sound.

Have you put the sound files on the Vista computer in the same folder?
vista uses
c:\users\etc \etc
xp uses
c:\documents and settings\etc etc

Sounds/Movies don't play, images disappear or links break when I move or
email a presentation

TAJ Simmons
PowerPoint Master

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Thanks for your response. Yes, I did develop the presentation on the XP
machine but I "packaged" it for CD so that all linked files are now in a
single folder. This is the folder that I copied to Vista machine so all
links should be there. Do you think this still may be the problem?


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