Pred/Succ and Field Value entries truncated



This is a strange one. It has to be a software issue because it displays the
same for all projects. When the view at the bottom, say the Task Details
Form with Pred/Succ, it displays the the Pred right hand column (lag) with
some gray space to its side, the Succ side has the right hand column (lag)
partially cut off by the vertical scroll bar. Thus when I click the lag box
or move over to it using the arrow key, the whole line shifts to the right
and the ID column is not showing. There is a little gray space showing to the
right of the Lag column.

I've saved this as a prntscrn to a jpg file, but don't think there is a way
to attach the file(s) to this message. I've checked other users screens
nearby and they don't seem to have this problem. I'm running MSP 2003, SP2
Standard. Has anyone else experienced this? I've tried changing screen
resolutions on the Dell 19" Flat Panel Screen, but makes no difference. Would
appreciate some thoughts and/or a possible solution.

Mike Glen

Hi Neill,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

It sounds like Project has become corrupted :( Try Help/Detect and Repair,
or re-install Project.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP
See for Project Tutorials


Thanks Mike,

Should I have a project open while doing the Detect and Repair or close all
projects and have a blank screen (no projects)?


Unfortunately the Detect and Repair utility did not repair the problem. Guess
I'm stuck with it.


St Dilbert

Maybe your driver for the graphics card is different from that on the
other PCs?

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