Preventing 'login screen popup'



Hi All,

Our access applications are 'secured' by the system.mdw. We want to
make sure that users can't use another login than the one linked to the
Windows Login.

This is partly done by a small program - written in Visual C - which
links the Windows login to the access username. After selection of the
database which is to open the commandline string gets executed, so
containing " /user AccUser /pwd AccPwd" (where AccUser en AccPwd
represent the correct username and password).

However if the combination is invalid (eg wrong password,as the
username can't be changed by the user), the user is than asked in
Access to enter the data again, but this makes it also possible to
change the username (which we try to prevent as some databases contain
confidential data, not ment for everybodies eyes).

No I'd like to know if there is a way of preventing this ?

* Is there a way to stop access if the user / pwd combination is wrong
* Can Access be configured that only the passwaord needs to be entered
if the username was sent over the commandline ?
* Is the only solution a function which checks the combination username
and Windows-login on startup, and ends the program when this is wrong?

BTW: I do know it's still possible for users to make there own command
line call... but most users don't.


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