Printing excel in pdf



I use windows XP and have microsoft office 2000 premium. I recently installed
Adobe Acrobat v.6 but could not install a printer. I downloaded Bullzip and
it works on every office application. However, when I try to print an excel
doc with macros to pdf I get this error message "microsoft excel for windows
has encountered an error and needs to close. Sorry for the inconvenience" Is
it the fault of excel or do I need some kind of add in or microsoft fix?

Bob I

Well this is a somewhat unfortunate situation. Office 2000 is
unsupported software by Microsoft, Acrobat v6 is unsupported software by
Adobe, what is Bullzip and what does it do for creating PDFs or is it
some addin that is supposed to work with Office? If the problem is
caused by this Bullzip, uninstall it.

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