Printing problem in word 2003


reiki plus

I have a recurring random printing problem that occurs mostly while printing
in MS Word 2003. It also happens less frequently while printing in Broderbund
Print shop 20. The problem that is happening in MS Word is that every 3 or 4
pages, only about 2/3 of the page prints, the print preview will show that
the entire page is going to print though. It is always the top 1/3 of the
page that doesn't print. The problem is becoming more and more noticeable
over time. I have done trouble shooting with the printer manufacturer and we
have established that it is not a printer issue. While trouble shooting with
them I told them the issue does not occur using Microsoft Excel, Outlook
Express, Avery Design Pro and Click and Design nor does the printer fail in
standalone mode using the copy/scan feature. They told me to be sure to tell
this to whoever was assisting me within MS word to help diagnose the problem.
Some additional points; I use Windows home edition XP 2002 edition, SP 3. I
have looked for updates for word 2003 that may help but have not had any
luck. Any


When I had a similar problem, printing multipage reports in which random
pages were skipped, it was due to a failing printer. Assuming you have
installed the printer manufacturers driver, and not used winupdate drivers,
I'd be very surprised if this was not also your problem.

Steve Rindsberg

Reiki plus said:
I have a recurring random printing problem that occurs mostly while printing
in MS Word 2003. It also happens less frequently while printing in Broderbund
Print shop 20. The problem that is happening in MS Word is that every 3 or 4
pages, only about 2/3 of the page prints, the print preview will show that
the entire page is going to print though. It is always the top 1/3 of the
page that doesn't print. The problem is becoming more and more noticeable
over time. I have done trouble shooting with the printer manufacturer and we
have established that it is not a printer issue. While trouble shooting with
them I told them the issue does not occur using Microsoft Excel, Outlook
Express, Avery Design Pro and Click and Design nor does the printer fail in
standalone mode using the copy/scan feature. They told me to be sure to tell
this to whoever was assisting me within MS word to help diagnose the problem.
Some additional points; I use Windows home edition XP 2002 edition, SP 3. I
have looked for updates for word 2003 that may help but have not had any
luck. Any

Is this a PostScript printer and if so ...

Are there graphics on the pages that only partially print, and if so ...

Are they EPS graphics?

reiki plus

I did install the manufacturer driver, actually the manufacturer advised me
to uninstall and reinstall to check that it was installed correctly. I have
done this a couple of times now and still the problem persists.

reiki plus

Steve Rindsberg said:
Is this a PostScript printer and if so ...

Are there graphics on the pages that only partially print, and if so ...

Are they EPS graphics?

I am not sure what you mean by PostScript printer or EPS graphics. The printer is an Epson Stylus CX4800 all-in-one. It flat loads the pages from the back and they draw through and out towards the front continueing to lay flat.

Some of the document pages have jpg photos along with text, others do not.
Pages that are just text are just as likely to not print properly as those
that have photos mixed with the text.

Steve Rindsberg

I am not sure what you mean by PostScript printer or EPS graphics. The printer is an
Epson Stylus CX4800 all-in-one.

Never mind then ... that wouldn't be a PostScript printer and you're using JPG rather than
EPS graphics, so this couldn't be the specific problem I had in mind.

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