Problem found when exporting e-mails to OL2003


Sheldon Tam

I have been searching for the answer for this problem for a couple of days in
the OE and OL news groups but still no luck finding the answer, therefore I
would like to post it here. This mail a bit long, but please bear with me
because I think it is a serious problem.

I have always been using OE6 for years. Recently, I bought OL2003, so I
need to transfer all (thousands of) my e-mails from OE6 to OL2003. I realize
that there are 2 ways to do so:

1) Import the e-mails from OE6 within OL2003.
2) Export the e-mails to OL2003 within OE6.

I don't want to use method 1 because some of the e-mail timestamps will be
touched if doing so. However, method 2 have another problem. After
exporting, you will find that the internet headers for all e-mails that are
exported are gone in OL2003! The internet mail header stores information
like who is the sender, receivers etc. Without it, you won't be able to get
back the sender's or the receivers' e-mail addresses. To view the internet
header of a mail in OL2003, you can do the following:

1) Double click on an e-mail
2) In the new e-mail window, click on "View"
3) Select "Options..."
4) Then you will see the "Internet headers" field for that particular e-mail

In all the exported mails, this fields are blank.

You may ask, what is the problem when a mail without the proper header? The
problem is that you lose the e-mail address of the sender and the recipients,
and you won't be able to reply or foward to them anymore. For the e-mail
addresses that I have already saved in Contacts, there is no problem because
I can retrieve them from Contact List. But for those I have not saved in
Contacts, I lost their e-mail addresses forever.

Some of the contacts are important to me, so please help out.

By the way, here are some steps that you can take to quickly check if you
have the same problem:

1) In OL2003, choose a mail that is exported from OE6
2) Double click on the sender or any of the recipients

Normally, a new "E-mail Properties" window will pop up and display info like
"Display name", "E-mail address", "E-mail type", etc. However, with the
problem described above, you will only be able to highlight the name.

You can also try replying to the sender. After clicking "Send", a wiindow
saying "MS Outlook does not recognise the sender" will pop up.

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