Problem with existing workbook with macros



We have a number of computers on which we now has installed Excel 2010 and
they were previously running Excel 2007.

On one of these computers we now have problems running a workbook (XLS) that
has macros in them.

The workbook adds some custom options on the addins ribbon tab and this is
where it fails. I've removed this feature and try to run another macro and
get the same error.

The message reads:

"Objektsbiblioteket är ogiltigt eller innehåller referenser till
objektsdefinitioner som inte kunde hittas"

Roughly translated into english, this reads:

"The object library is invalid or contains references to object definitions
that could not be found"

Now, obviously I can't run any macros but I can't save the workbook either.
When I try to save it I get the following message:

"Fel inträffade när C:\Excel\Workbook.xls skulle sparas. Det kan gå att
spara filen om några funktioner tas bort eller repareras. Om du vill utföra
reparationerna i en ny fil klickar du på Fortsätt. Klicka på Avbryt om du
inte vill spara filen."


"An error occured when C:\Excel\Workbook.xls was saved. It may be possible
to save the file if a new functions are removed or repaired. Of you want to
preform the repair in a new file, press Continue. Press Cancel if you don't
want to save the file."

I now press "Continue" and get to select a path where to it should be saved.
Then I get this message:

"Fel uppstod när filen sparades. En minimal sparning kunde göras för filen
till C:\Users\JDoe\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel\XL4A7.xlsb"


"An error occured when the file was saved. A minimal save could be performed
for the file to C:\Users\JDoe\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel\XL4A7.xlsb"

Now, all this works fine on everyone elses Excel 2010, no problem what so

We've uninstalled and reinstalled Office 2010 without any change.

What could be the problem and how do we solve this?

PS, Why aren't there English error messages or at least an error code so
that one could google for others with the same problem!?


There are two possibilities that may be occurring

1) There is an error trapping setting in VBA that may be set diferen
on the one PC

VBA menu - Tools - Options - General - Error Trapping

2) When a new version of Office is installed on a PC where Ofice i
already installed sometimes the references don't get updated properl
and you have to manually fix the problem. You have to go to the VB
menu Tools - Reference. first make sure all the references are th
same. Next if you get any errors when running the macro you may need t
go back to the reference menu and Browse for the library. The differen
versions of Office is installed in you Program files Folder unde
microsoft Office. the different versions of office are in a sub folder

1) 2002 - Office 10
2) 2003 - Office 11
3) 2007 - Office 12
4) 2010 - Office 13 (not sure if this is correct since I haven't use

When the new version of office is installed sometimes the referenc
libraries don't get updated and point to the latest version of office.
When a new version of office is installed the older libraries ar
removed. so one of you refernce library pointers may be point to a fil
that doesn't exist. I'm not usre why this happens but I've seen thi
problem occur often.


Thank you for your reply.

Actually, 2010 is Office14.

I checked this, all the same references are checked on my computer (where it
works) and on the problematic installation.

Also, all the files the references on my computer point to exist on the
problematic computer and I browsed for them manually just in case but it did
no difference.

The same error occurs when opening the workbook.


I perhaps should add that we uninstalled Office 2007 from all computers prior
to installing Office 2010 - if that could matter.


Even though though the references look like they are pointing to th
correct folder doesn't mean they actually are point to the folder. th
only way for sure to tell is to look at the registry. Maybe you shoul
search the registry for Office 12 )(or which ever version previously
existed) and see if there are any registry entries still pointing to th
older version.

The resitry editor can be found by going to the Start button an
entering in the RUN shortcut REGEDIT. Then in the edit menu look fo

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