Problem with Picture ID Badges



I have a client database from which I am trying to print picture ID
badges. My approach was to create a small report that displays client
name, SSN, and picture as well as some other information. The
pictures are stored in a folder on disk C:\photos and are named with
the client SSN. I want to be able to get more than just one card per
sheet of paper, so the report size is only about 2" in height and
41/2" wide. I'm thinking that I should see the detail section
repeated vertically on the page with a different card in each section
of the final printed page. My problem is that while the name and SSN
change for each card the picture stays the same, which is the picture
of the first person. The code I'm using in the On Activate action
that follows:

Private Sub Report_Activate()
Dim strFile As String
Dim strDefFile As String
Dim strFullPath As String
Dim strDefFullPath As String

' Be sure to amend photo path and image control

strFullPath = strPhotodir + Me!SSN + ".bmp"
strDefFullPath = strPhotodir + "Bitmaps\Med5.gif"
strFile = Dir(strFullPath, vbNormal)
strDefFile = Dir(strDefFullPath, vbNormal)

If (strFile <> vbNullString) Then
Image15.Picture = strFullPath
Image15.Picture = "strDefFullPath"
End If
End Sub

Tom Wickerath MDB

I don't believe that MDB supports a picture ID badge database

you shoudl move to SQL Server and Access Data Projects for something with a
high need for security

Roger Carlson

You know, the sad thing is that Aaron is doing his "cause" more harm than
good. There ARE situations where SQL Server and an ADP would be the best
solution. But I hestitate to say so because I don't want to be taken for an
Aaron sockpuppet.

Tony Toews [MVP]

Roger Carlson said:
You know, the sad thing is that Aaron is doing his "cause" more harm than
good. There ARE situations where SQL Server and an ADP would be the best

But I hestitate to say so because I don't want to be taken for an
Aaron sockpuppet.


Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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Tom Wickerqueer

I'm not doing more harm than good

the niggers around here spreading lies are doing more harm than good

MIcroosft-- by blocking my posts in a public forum-- is doing more harm than

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