[PS03] Tasks not appearing in "View My Tasks"



We added a resource to an existing project, assigned him to various tasks and
published. The project appears in his Project Center view, and he sees his
name assigned to those tasks when he views the project in PWA, but the
project doesn't appear in "View My Tasks". He's looking at "All Tasks" not
just current, no filters are on, and everyone else on the project can see
their tasks just fine. Tasks for other projects he's assigned to still show
up, just not this new one. When I (as resource manager) look at him in "View
Resource Assignments" the tasks all show up as expected. Any ideas??



No the tasks don't appear in either Gantt or Timesheet view (this is Project
Server 2003, not 2007, so it's just the two views in "View My Tasks")


In that case I have no idea. Try delete the resource from the task,
assign it again and then republish the Project maybe this will work.

Langhorne escreveu:

Jonathan Sofer

Make sure that the resource is "Committed" on the project as well. Also if
you are not on Managed Time Periods, try to do a publish, re-publish
assignments, and check the option to Overwrite actuals.


Brilliant. That's exactly what it was -- for some reason he was "Proposed"
not "Committed", and we changed & republished, and all is well. Thanks so

(BTW, I suspect that the reason was that when we added him, we Replaced a
previous, "Proposed" resource. Apparently the "Proposed" state carried over.)

Good job!

Jonathan Sofer

Glad I could help.


Langhorne said:
Brilliant. That's exactly what it was -- for some reason he was
not "Committed", and we changed & republished, and all is well. Thanks so

(BTW, I suspect that the reason was that when we added him, we Replaced a
previous, "Proposed" resource. Apparently the "Proposed" state carried

Good job!

Neetu Sharma

Hello All,
Tasks are not appearing in "My Task" of 2 team members, not even to PM. all resources are commited and they themselves are assignment owner.For testing purpose i assigned one task to myself(System Administrator), and tasks is appering in "My Tasks" for me.
Kindly help me.
Thanks in advance

Dale Howard [MVP]

Neetu Sharma --

I can think of a couple reasons why this might be happening. First of all,
did the PM actually publish the project using File - Publish? If so, then
ask your team members to try the following:

1. Navigate to the My Tasks page, click the Settings menu button, and click
the View Options item on the menu.
2. Deselect the "Show only current tasks *" option and click the Apply
3. If the missing tasks do not appear, navigate to the Home page in PWA and
then return to the My Tasks page again.

Do the tasks now appear? If not, ask the PM to do the following:

1. Launch Project Professional 2007 and connect to Project Server.
2. Open the enterprise project containing the missing tasks.
3. Apply the Gantt Chart view.
4. Right click on the Duration column header and select the Insert Column
item on the menu.
5. Click the Field Name pick list and select the Publish field.
6. Click the OK button.
7. Make sure that the Publish value is set to Yes on every task (if not,
select Yes for every task).
8. Save and publish the project.

Do the tasks now appear? Let us know and we will try to help you.

in message news:[email protected]...


I am also having a similar problem.

We are using PS 2007 with SP1, and the april hotfix installed. We have not
gone live yet, so still in testing phase.

Our admin had originally setup project server to point to a particular URL,
and had setup my user ID. Then he wrote a script to use LDAP authentication
using our IBM intranet ID and password. When he finally got this to work, he
used a different URL, and setup a different ID name for me. He left my old
user ID pointing to the old URL.

I added my new user ID from the Enterprise resource pool to my projects,
and replaced my old name with my new name (new name just includes my middle
initial). I saved, and published the changes. And no tasks show up in my My
Tasks view.

I have already checked the following:
-My ID is marked as a Committed resource, and I am the timesheet manager
and default assignment owner.
-Permissions for my ID are set correctly.
-I have tried unchecking the "show current tasks" box, but nothing changed.
-I have checked that all the tasks are set Yes for publish.
-I self-assigned a task for a task assigned to a team resource.
-The task appeared in the My Tasks view however,
The task did not show up in the Task Approval screen, and then I went
back to the My Tasks view and submitted the task for approval, but it still
did not appear in the Task Approval screen. I exited out of PWA and logged
back in, and the task was gone from the My tasks page.

My name shows up in the project plan in Project Center, and in the plan in
Project Pro.

My admin has no idea what to do, and we can't go live until I figure this out.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Kelvin Murray

Hi Lisa, did you ever crack this issue? If so, what did you do to resolve
the problem? Thanks!

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