Public Function Remarks



When using built-in functions, Excel provides remarks. For instance, if you
type =sumif( and then click the fx button (insert function), you will see
suggestions to the right of each input box. Notice range says "reference",
criteria says "any", etc. and just below the inputs is an instruction that
says "adds the cells specified by a given condition or criteria". And below
this, the instruction changes depending on which box you hilite.

How can I fill these fields with instructions? Below is a simple example
another person wrote. For instance, I'd let the user know that ACFM s Actual
Cubic Feet per Minute, etc. And I might have an overall instruction, "This
function calculates standard cubic feet per minute".

Public Function SCFM(ACFM As Double, TempF As Double, PSIA As Double)
'ACFM = Actual Cubic Feet per Minute
'TempF = Temperature (°F)
'PSIA = Pressure (PSIA)

'Constant Definition
T0 = 459.7
TS = 70 + 459.7

TA = TempF + T0

PS = 14.7

SCFM = ACFM * (TS / TA) / (PS / PA)

End Function

Gord Dibben


If all you need is a line or two to describe the UDF try this.


Type in the name of the UDF and "Options"

You can type in a couple of descriptive lines and OK then Cancel


To fully customize your User Defined Functions....

See Laurent Longre's website for FUNCUSTOMIZE add-in.

ZIP file also includes a demo file and a how-to-use file.

Ballon Tips are not available with Laurent's method.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Your suggestion helped, but I wish there was an easy way to put separate
helps per varialb. The link below would only work one computer unless you
copy the dll around. With the custom functions, I only need to copy the
macros around.

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