Quick VBA question

  • Thread starter rfuscjr via AccessMonster.com
  • Start date

rfuscjr via AccessMonster.com

I have a button on a form. It calls some queries then uses vba to loop. I
am stuck on syntax. Essentially I want to loop thru a table of ids one at a
time and do a few things along the way. I get stuck on my first task which
is to take the current id in the loop and write it into a table. I thought
the syntax would be something like this but it fails:

strSqlStmnt = "INSERT INTO tblReportProviderId ( SUI_Id )VALUES ('rstCCs!
qdf.SQL = strSqlStmnt
qdf.ODBCTimeout = 0

Note that rstCCs!Id is the value of the current id in the table I am looping
thru. I tried with an without the single quotes and it fails.

rfuscjr via AccessMonster.com

well, I got some help...I never would have figured on this:

strSqlStmnt = "INSERT INTO tblReportProviderId ( SUI_Id )VALUES ('" & rstCCs!
SUI_Id & "')"


You are close, but the Excute statment is incorrect and the reference to the
recordset's field values has to be outside the quote marks when building the

Dim strSQL As Strin

strSql = "INSERT INTO tblReportProviderId ( SUI_Id )VALUES (""" &
rstCCs!SUI_Id & """)"
Currentdb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError

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