Recording slide timing in Powerpoint



We will be holding a conference later this year, during which we will be
recording audio of the guest speakers on professional audio recording
equipment. I would like to also record the slide timings so that we can
merge the audio files with the PPT files and distribute the merged
presentation to attendees after the conference, and the PPT slides and the
audio will be in sync just as they were diring the "Live" presentation. I
have not been able to find a way to record the slide timings "behind the
schenes" with no special user intervention during the conference (Ideally,
all the presenter should have to do is run a .PPS file or open a .PPT file
and select "View Show". Is anyone aware of a way to do this with PPT or any
aftermarket software, or am I stuck guessing the slide transitions by trying
to match the audio with the slides?

Bill Dilworth
once loaded, it creates a PowerPoint log file.

logs show start time*
logs show save time*
logs new slide time*
logs animation start time*
logs show end time*
* uses system time
logs show duration
log file is in simple txt format
stores file in same directory as the PPT file
does not work when using the viewer

This add-in should store all the information you need. Oh, by the way, its

Bill Dilworth
A proud member of the Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Users helping fellow users.
vestprog2@ Please read the PowerPoint FAQ pages.
yahoo. They answer most of our questions.


Steve & Bill, Thank you for the responses. I will probably be doing some
experimenting in the next several days. With regards to the PPT not running
at the same speed on Each PC, I understand what you are saying. Would this
still be an issue if I used Producer for PPT to do the final editing and
Post-production and merging of the Audio & PPT slides?

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