Redirecting Mail to Subfolders



I have been placed in charge of mail handling duties that require some
expertise I do not yet have, and I am looking for some wisdom from the

We have one folder - call it MainFolder - that receives general mail (and
has a standard e-mail address in the address book). Inside MainFolder there
are two folders - call them DeptA and DeptB. Inside DeptA there are three
folders - SubA1, SubA2, SubA3. Only MainFolder has an e-mail address. For
general discussion, let's assume SubA1 is to receive mail from people whose
last name begins with the letters A-G, SubA2 H-P, and SubA3 Q-Z.

A form on our web page will allow people to submit stuff to MainFolder. If
the form has a field that will indicate DeptA or DeptB, and a field for the
e-mailer's last name, can we automatically direct mail from John Doe into
SubA1, and from Bill Smith into SubA3?

I have never used Outlook 'rules', but I understand the concept. I do know
VBA, so we can handle anything with macros that needs to be (or would more
easily be) handled that way. I assume the easiest way may be to provide
actual e-mail addresses to each and every folder, but Tech Support sort of
grumbles at that approach.

Any instruction will be appreciated.

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

We have one folder - call it MainFolder - that receives general mail (and
has a standard e-mail address in the address book). Inside MainFolder there
are two folders - call them DeptA and DeptB. Inside DeptA there are three
folders - SubA1, SubA2, SubA3. Only MainFolder has an e-mail address. For
general discussion, let's assume SubA1 is to receive mail from people whose
last name begins with the letters A-G, SubA2 H-P, and SubA3 Q-Z.

Folders can't receive mail. Mail servers and the mailboxes on them receive
mail. Is this sorting done on the server prior to the point Outlook will
access the server? With what type of account do you wish to access the

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

If the message or subject crafted by the form includes the code words, you
can use rules to move them messages.

Where is the MainFolder? In a mailbox or Exchange public folder?

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

Outlook Tips by email:
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Exchange public folder.

Bill @ UAMS

Diane Poremsky said:
If the message or subject crafted by the form includes the code words, you
can use rules to move them messages.

Where is the MainFolder? In a mailbox or Exchange public folder?

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

Outlook Tips by email:
mailto:[email protected]

EMO - a weekly newsletter about Outlook and Exchange:
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BillCPA said:
I have been placed in charge of mail handling duties that require some
expertise I do not yet have, and I am looking for some wisdom from the

We have one folder - call it MainFolder - that receives general mail (and
has a standard e-mail address in the address book). Inside MainFolder
are two folders - call them DeptA and DeptB. Inside DeptA there are three
folders - SubA1, SubA2, SubA3. Only MainFolder has an e-mail address.
general discussion, let's assume SubA1 is to receive mail from people
last name begins with the letters A-G, SubA2 H-P, and SubA3 Q-Z.

A form on our web page will allow people to submit stuff to MainFolder.
the form has a field that will indicate DeptA or DeptB, and a field for
e-mailer's last name, can we automatically direct mail from John Doe into
SubA1, and from Bill Smith into SubA3?

I have never used Outlook 'rules', but I understand the concept. I do
VBA, so we can handle anything with macros that needs to be (or would more
easily be) handled that way. I assume the easiest way may be to provide
actual e-mail addresses to each and every folder, but Tech Support sort of
grumbles at that approach.

Any instruction will be appreciated.

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

right click on the folder and choose properties, admin tab - you can set up
rules in the folder. The subfolder may need to be mail-enabled for it to
work as I don't think it can drop into other folders, only forward by
email - its basically the same options as OOF Assistant. (the folder
assistant button is grayed out if you don't have the right permissions or
are accessing it from favorite folders shortcut)

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

Outlook Tips by email:
mailto:[email protected]

EMO - a weekly newsletter about Outlook and Exchange:
mailto:[email protected]

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newsreader to

BillCPA said:
Exchange public folder.

Bill @ UAMS

Diane Poremsky said:
If the message or subject crafted by the form includes the code words,
can use rules to move them messages.

Where is the MainFolder? In a mailbox or Exchange public folder?

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

Outlook Tips by email:
mailto:[email protected]

EMO - a weekly newsletter about Outlook and Exchange:
mailto:[email protected]

You can access this newsgroup by visiting or point
newsreader to

BillCPA said:
I have been placed in charge of mail handling duties that require some
expertise I do not yet have, and I am looking for some wisdom from the

We have one folder - call it MainFolder - that receives general mail
has a standard e-mail address in the address book). Inside MainFolder
are two folders - call them DeptA and DeptB. Inside DeptA there are
folders - SubA1, SubA2, SubA3. Only MainFolder has an e-mail address.
general discussion, let's assume SubA1 is to receive mail from people
last name begins with the letters A-G, SubA2 H-P, and SubA3 Q-Z.

A form on our web page will allow people to submit stuff to MainFolder.
the form has a field that will indicate DeptA or DeptB, and a field for
e-mailer's last name, can we automatically direct mail from John Doe
SubA1, and from Bill Smith into SubA3?

I have never used Outlook 'rules', but I understand the concept. I do
VBA, so we can handle anything with macros that needs to be (or would
easily be) handled that way. I assume the easiest way may be to
actual e-mail addresses to each and every folder, but Tech Support sort
grumbles at that approach.

Any instruction will be appreciated.

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