Report website problems here



I reported the problem last week of the email not working properly. I was
asked to send mycomments to the website below using the case number
SRX1110134208ID. I recommend alld user to respond to this case number with
their comments. I think it is silly that Microsfot doesn't maintain their
own website properly and it take almost 2 weeks to fix problems that effect
thousand of customers.;en;1389&WS=managermail

John... Visio MVP

Joel said:
I reported the problem last week of the email not working properly. I was
asked to send mycomments to the website below using the case number
SRX1110134208ID. I recommend alld user to respond to this case number
their comments. I think it is silly that Microsfot doesn't maintain their
own website properly and it take almost 2 weeks to fix problems that
thousand of customers.;en;1389&WS=managermail

How does this relate to Visio?

John... Visio MVP


I've been helping people at the microsoft discussion group for over three
years. Often during this time period the website stopped working for up to 2
weeks. I assumed that the same problem was affecting all the microsoft
discussion groups and was just providing a location for people to send any
complaints there been having.

John... Visio MVP

These newsgroups are not web based, but there is a web interface to access
them. So in your initial post, you did not indicate what the problem was.

I use an offline reader rather than the new webbased interface because I
find the web based interface is extremely slow and not as friendly as the
original off line readers.

John... Visio MVP


Then report the problem at the URL that I provided. ther is a line from thea
movie : I'm mad and I'm not going to take it any more. Lets let micrsoft
know our complaints. If enough people respond maybe microsoft will listen.

John... Visio MVP

I have no problem and as I said, I can not see what your problem is or what
it has to do with Visio.

John... Visio MVP


You do have a problem. You said the interface was slow! Report that the
interfeace is slow!

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