Retrieve tracked actual/scheduled work done per day trough PSI



I've read the PSI reference and managed to read data about projects,
resources and assignments.
But the members of my assignment[1] seem to only contain the
actual/scheduled work in general and not submitted entries per day.

[1] [Statusing Web service].StatusingAssignmentsDataSet.AssignmentsRow

Server settings: I've set the Outlook Display to 'Actual, Overtime, and
Scheduled Hours' and the tracking method to 'Hours of work done per day'.

Is there a way to retrieve the actual/scheduled/overtime work done per day
as shown for each task in the 'My Task' section in PWA?


Timephased data is not available in the AssignmentRow.
Timephased Actuals data can be found in the StatusingTimephasedActualsDataSet  which can be retreived using the method ReadStatusTimephasedData.



matthiasb wrote:

Hi, I've read the PSI reference and managed to read data about projects, resources and assignments. But the members of my assignment[1] seem to only contain the actual/scheduled work in general and not submitted entries per day. [1] [Statusing Web service].StatusingAssignmentsDataSet.AssignmentsRow (WebSvcStatusing) Server settings: I've set the Outlook Display to 'Actual, Overtime, and Scheduled Hours' and the tracking method to 'Hours of work done per day'. Is there a way to retrieve the actual/scheduled/overtime work done per day as shown for each task in the 'My Task' section in PWA?


that solved my problem.

I may post sometime again in this thread asking about how to manipulate
timephased actuals, until then:

Thank you very much for the fast support,

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