Save as a webpage....January 1, 2005



I'm trying to save my calendar as a webpage from today through the end of
next year (2005). But when I go to view the calendar, January 1, 2005 starts
on a Friday vs. Saturday. Is there a fix for this?


Having same problem. I have tried it from several different computers and it
always starts Jan 1 on Friday.


This is a well documented (on web boards) problem.
I posted the same question at many different web boards including on 9/17

The problem is I havent seen a solution or any indication that there is
going to be a solution.
Dont know how to get MS to respond.
Any ideas besides trying their support page (there you have to pay them to
tell them that they have a bug to fix)?
Any ideas besides trying their support page (there you have to pay them to
tell them that they have a bug to fix)?

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