Save to PDF, XPS


Lee K Harris

Can the Save to PDF and Save to XPS be incorporate into the initial install
of Office.


To get XPS, you will need to download Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 from here

Once you have installed this, you will get a printer driver Microsoft
XPS Document Writer. Now to create an XPS file, you just print in the
normal way but you select MS XPS Document Writer instead of your
standard printer like HP or Epson.

To get PDF, you need Office 2007 or you need to download free PDF
writers like pdf995 from here:

You can also buy a commercial one from Adobe for $100000 billion
zimbabwean dollars or its equivalent newer currency. Again this
creates a printer which you use to create a file and save it on your HD
instead of printing!!


Hope this helps.

Lee K Harris

Nope no help at all. I believe my question was: How do I incorporate the
installation of Save to PDF into the initial installation of Office 2007. I
want to be able to roll out Office 2007 and the Save to PDF in one install to
my users.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Lee,

It can depend on the method you're using for deployment on if/how you might include it. The files in the .exe download for the
PDF/XPS add-in can be extracted and the .MSI included in the installation chain

Nope no help at all. I believe my question was: How do I incorporate the
installation of Save to PDF into the initial installation of Office 2007. I
want to be able to roll out Office 2007 and the Save to PDF in one install to
my users.

Lee K Harris >>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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