Saving a Word document to a flash disk on an external USB drive



Version: 2008
Processor: intel

I have a Mac Book Pro and an running Office for Apple

I just need to know how to choose the USB drive when saving a word doc. When I go to save document I cannot see how to choose the flash disk in a usb drive


Barry Wainwright

Version: 2008
Processor: intel

I have a Mac Book Pro and an running Office for Apple

I just need to know how to choose the USB drive when saving a word doc. When
I go to save document I cannot see how to choose the flash disk in a usb


in the save dialog, go to the highest level in the folder heirarchy (the
one that carries your computer's name, with a little computer icon).

The list of content on this target will include all removable drives -
your USB thumb drive included.


Hi Erica -

Not to contradict or detract from Barry's reply in any way, but just as
additional information...

There is a very popular school of thought which suggests that you not use a
USB stick as a "working" drive. Instead, it's considered more reliable to
move the file to your HD (using Finder on a Mac or Windows Explorer on a
PC), edit/revise that copy, then move/copy back to the USB stick for
transport or storage. Despite the "identity" promoted by some manufacturer's
they are not *drives*, nor do they work on the same principle.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Tim Murray

There is a very popular school of thought which suggests that you not use a
USB stick as a "working" drive. Instead, it's considered more reliable to
move the file to your HD (using Finder on a Mac or Windows Explorer on a
PC), edit/revise that copy, then move/copy back to the USB stick for
transport or storage.

I agree.

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