Sending mail-error message 0x800CCC69



This is the error message I have just started receiving this morning for no
apparent reason.

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

Sent: 14/02/2006 11:10 AM

The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

John ([email protected]) on 14/02/2006 11:10 AM
550 5.7.1 This message does not comply with required standards.

Rachel A

Hello AnthonyI, did you ever find a resolution to htis? I am having a
similar problem now and would love to know how to fix it. When I try to send
email, in the details of my 'send/receive progress' window, I get an error
that says:

Task "RA - Sending and Receiving' reported error (0x800CCC69): "The server
responded: 550 5. 7.1 This message does not comply with required standards.'

Were you able to fix your issue? Does anyone else have any advice?



I am not positive how it was resolved... But the problem was fixed. It had
to do with the settings of the email account I was sending to. In my case, I
had to CC my boss on every email, so I got that error message every time.
Once the computer guys checked out his outlook settings, they noted the
problem and fixed it, which then actually solved my problem.

Sorry I can't be of more help.


I am having this same problem!!! :-( it is killing me... 550 5.7.1
This message does not comply with required standards. The one thing I
have noticed about this is that it ONLY happens when someone replies to
a message to a person inside of my company. The subject line ALWAYS
includes "RE:" (automatically added to any message replied to in
outlook). If I remove RE: from the subject line, the emails go through
correctly... My ISP is telling me it's not their fault, and it has to
do w/ my company outlook settings, but this is incorrect, because I
have tested my account from several different networks and they all
result in the same thing. If I send the same exact message to someone
outside of the company - all is well... Has to do with the combination
of replying to someone internally to your company I think... Still
trouble shooting since the ISP is aweful... Do you happen to host your
email with Covad ISP ?

Rachel A

Hi. My problem turned out not to be my problem, but the problem of the
person I was sending to. Yes, it only happened when the subject line
contained RE:. And, it only happened when using Outlook. I could send the
same message without any problems through my webmail. They ended up changing
a setting in their spam filter, and that resolved it. And, no, my ISP isn't
Covad :-(. Good luck!

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