set autoshape defaults for all new documents



Is the option to set autoshape defaults to a drawing element like a line or a
text box stored in MS Word 2003 for all new files or does it only apply to
the active file?

That is, i seem to lose the default confgiuration of my drawing elements.
For example: I create a line, the line is invisible because my background is
white and the line color is set to "no line". I change that setting to black.
then I select the optioin to set autshape defaults. then I create a text box
next to the line (which is pointing to something). Again, i have to modif the
settings to what I want and set autoshape defaults.

So, finally I open or create a new document... I have to repeat all the
changes again to the format of the autoshapes.

Is this a bug or can I fix my formats so they are the real "defaults"?
Besides, why would the default format for a line is "no line" ?


Suzanne S. Barnhill

If you set the defaults in a document, they are the default for only that
document. To make them the default for all *new* documents, you must make
the setting in the template ( by default). But note that the
"line" style applies to both drawing lines and text box borders, so if you
want text boxes with No Line, you can't also have drawing lines that show
up. And, FWIW, the factory default format for lines/text boxes is NOT No
Line but 0.75 pt black.


Thank you. ... now why did Microsoft make the line style apply to both single
lines and text box lines... nevermind, just making a point, hehe :)

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