Set focus Broke - Run-Time Error 2110



I am a fairly new at access. In General I thought I was making progress. I
was close to releasing this application and was making some final changes.
seems that things that worked before dont work anymore. Example: form a
combo box on 'on enter' event.

Private Sub cmboChooseWarehouseAfterRepair_Enter()
If Not IsNull(Me.txtDateReturnedtoVHO) Then
MsgBox ("You cant have a value for 'Which Warehouse after Repair' and 'Date
Returned To VHO'")
ElseIf IsNull(Me.txtDateRepairComplete) Then
MsgBox ("You must have a 'Date Repair Complete' before you enter a
End If

If I enter the cmboChooseWarehoseAfterRepair textbox with no date in 'Date
Repair Complete', I get the message box with the verbage I used - fine.
I get a run-time error 2110 " Microsoft cant move focus to control
'txtDateRepairComplete' I tried moving the focus to another txtbox - same
problem. I believe that this worked before and I dont know when or why it
The same general problem with set focus is occurring in other objects.

Thanks, I'm getting fustrated

Rick B

Personally, I do this type of checking in the "EXIT" event for the field.
If I find that the criteria is not met, I stop the program from Exitting the
field by using the line


In the IF statement where I locate the problem.

This "cancels" the "exit" event (in other words, it keeps the focus where it

Rick B

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