Slight Annoyance



Hello all,

I have a spreadsheet which creates a button when cells in column B ar
clicked. The annoyance is that when you click cells in column B, ther
is a delay where the clicked cell is highlighted, the button is delete
and then reappears next to the new cell.

Is there a way to improve this so that the button is deleted when th
old cell looses focus and reappears with the new cell?

If you click any cell in column C you'll see the difference between wha
I have and how the button appears with the data validation.

It would be nice to have the same button visibility.

Is there a way?





i did a test with visible = true or false and i do not see any difference,
it may be a matter performance of the video card

Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal
target As Range)

Dim ctrl As Button, isect

On Error Resume Next

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'    Application.EnableEvents = False

Set isect = Application.Intersect(target, Range("B:B"))
Set ctrl = Sh.Buttons("test")

If Not isect Is Nothing Then
If Not ctrl Is Nothing Then
ctrl.Visible = False
ctrl.Top = target.Top
ctrl.Visible = True
Set ctrl = Sh.Buttons.Add(target.Left + target.Width + 2,
target.Top, 15, target.Height)
ctrl.Top = target.Top
ctrl.OnAction = "ThisWorkbook.Clicked"
ctrl.Font.Bold = True
ctrl.Text = "..."
ctrl.Name = "test"
Set ctrl = Nothing
End If
ctrl.Visible = False
End If

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'    Application.EnableEvents = True

End Sub

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