"Startup folder won't...



....start up."

I was going to post about this problem:


I have two templates in Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/
Startup. One of them -- call it Template A -- starts up, and the other
-- Template B -- does not.

If I go to Tools => Templates and Add-ins, Template A is listed and is
not removable from the list. Template B is not present. I can navigate
to the startup folder and add-in Template B that way, and it works
fine. When I leave Word, the Add-in setting for Template B leaves too;
only Template A remains when I re-open Word.

And older version of Template B (with the same name, and mostly the
same code) does not behave this way, so clearly it's something to do
with the template itself. What could be happening in this template
that would permit it to function but not to be loaded in the Word
startup process?? Maybe having an unavailable Reference?

This is OS/X 10.4.11, with Word:mac 2004 11.3.8


But just before posting, I decided to try one more thing. I COMPILED
the template ... and voilà! Not usually a necessary step on the Win
platform, but evidently important within the Startup folder on the
Mac. And a good habit to get into anyway, on either platform.

So I just thought I would share this in case it's useful for anyone.



It's hard to speculate without knowing more about the actual content of the
template, but the most obvious point to verify is that it has been saved
with the appropriate extension appended to the file name. You might also try
copying all but the last ¶, pasting to a new blank doc & saving as a new
template file - see if that one behaves as it should.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

John McGhie

Hi Larry:

It's not normally needed to compile on the Mac platform either.

However, some references are resolved only at compile time, and your new
template may have one of those.

On the other hand, the Compile process is when Word removes any "deleted"
code from the changed project. It may have been that you had added a macro
of the same name as a deleted one.

Until the template was compiled, that might have been producing an ambiguous


...start up."

I was going to post about this problem:


I have two templates in Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/
Startup. One of them -- call it Template A -- starts up, and the other
-- Template B -- does not.

If I go to Tools => Templates and Add-ins, Template A is listed and is
not removable from the list. Template B is not present. I can navigate
to the startup folder and add-in Template B that way, and it works
fine. When I leave Word, the Add-in setting for Template B leaves too;
only Template A remains when I re-open Word.

And older version of Template B (with the same name, and mostly the
same code) does not behave this way, so clearly it's something to do
with the template itself. What could be happening in this template
that would permit it to function but not to be loaded in the Word
startup process?? Maybe having an unavailable Reference?

This is OS/X 10.4.11, with Word:mac 2004 11.3.8


But just before posting, I decided to try one more thing. I COMPILED
the template ... and voilà! Not usually a necessary step on the Win
platform, but evidently important within the Startup folder on the
Mac. And a good habit to get into anyway, on either platform.

So I just thought I would share this in case it's useful for anyone.


Don't wait for your answer, click here: http://www.word.mvps.org/

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Sydney, Australia. mailto:[email protected]


Thanks, Bob. Yes, it has a .dot extension. As for copying all but the
last ¶, the template has no content, so all it has is a last ¶.


Hi, John. I didn't realise that about the references. Template B has
the same references as the older version of Template B, which worked
fine... BUT it may be that the older version was itself compiled. I
don't know.
On the other hand, the Compile process is when Word removes any "deleted"
code from the changed project.  It may have been that you had added a macro
of the same name as a deleted one.

Quite possible. In any case, I'm happy always to compile my templates
-- it can't hurt!


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