Sum above columns until non-numeric encountered



How to write such a formula

In other words it stops summing the #s when the column header i
encountered. There may be multiple column headers. Thanks

Ron Rosenfeld

How to write such a formula?

In other words it stops summing the #s when the column header is
encountered. There may be multiple column headers. Thanks!
Your question is not clear.

For example, if this is what you are looking for:

$A$1: Label1 0
$A$2: 1 10
$A$3: 2 9
$A$4: 3 7
$A$5: 4 4
$A$6: 0
$A$7: 0
$A$8: Label 2 0
$A$9: 5 35
$A$10: 6 30
$A$11: 7 24
$A$12: 8 17
$A$13: 9 9
$A$14: Label 3 0
$A$15: 16
$A$16: 14 16
$A$17: 2 2

Try this formula:

This formula must be **array-entered**:

C1: =SUM(OFFSET($A1,0,0,IFERROR(MATCH(TRUE,ISTEXT(A1:$A$1000),0),1000)))

and fill down as far as required. "1000" should be some number representative of the maximum number of rows this data table might possibly contain


To **array-enter** a formula, after entering
the formula into the cell or formula bar, hold down
<ctrl><shift> while hitting <enter>. If you did this
correctly, Excel will place braces {...} around the formula.

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