there must be a setting in Powerpoint 2007 that I need to change,any idea what it is?



I originally posted this to the microsoft.public.mac.powerpoint newgroup --
they suggested I re-post it to this group.

MacBook w Intel core 2 duo 2.4 MHz CPU (OS X 10.5.6 when running as a Mac)
WindowsXP sp3 under Bootcamp
Powerpoint 2007
Logitech microphone and headset

I've created my slides using Powerpoint 2004 on my trusted MacBookPro (OS
10.4.11) and ported them over to the MacBook on which I'm running WindowsXP
so I can use the sound recording features of Powerpoint 2007. I'm trying to
embed the narration on each slide.

Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I've managed to get about 4 hrs
of lectures recorded but it's always been after several attempts where I'd
record but end up with no sound.

Mystery is that even though the microphone check within Powerpoint 2007
shows green bars when I speak, there often is NO SOUND when I play back the

Via the control panel in Windows, the Logitech headset and microphone ARE
selected as the input device and they pass the Windows hardware test.

Just now I tried recording using both of the two USB ports for the headset
and got no sound, although the little speaker icons are present on each
slide. Without changing anything, I opened up one of the files where I'd
been successful in the past, and that file's sound came through just fine on
that same Logitech headset.

Is this a Powerpoint issue or a MacBook issue?

Remember my last query? " Is this a Powerpoint issue or a MacBook issue?"

I think it's a Powerpoint issue.

Since I posted my previous query ( trying to record narration using
Powerpoint 2007 ) to the newsgroup, I¹ve discovered that the saved
Powerpoint files DO have the narration in them ‹ if I click on the speaker
icon for the slide I can hear my voice.

I just don¹t know how to make Powerpoint play my voice when I run the slide

I've looked at the options available to me under Sound Tools and have
deselected "hide during show" and told it to "Play sound automatically" and
tested the "slide show volume" and that seems to be OK. None of these
changes helped.

Please advise on how to make Powerpoint 2007 play my narration while playing
the slide show.

My goal, when Powerpoint works as it should, it to run the Powerpoint file
(with embedded narrations) through iSpring for conversion to Flash format so
we can host the lecture as streaming video on Blackboard. iSpring just
encodes a soundless file whenever I cannot get Powerpoint to play my
narration as it should.

Thanks for any advice.

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