This Expression is Typed Incorrectly, or it is too Complex to be Evaluated



This report will run for any location excpet for one???
That store contains a 0 / 0 % result
Here is the SQL
SELECT informix_truck.truck_nm, Count
(informix_invc_hdr.ivh_nbr) AS CountOfivh_nbr, Sum
(informix_invc_hdr.ivh_net_amt) AS SumOfivh_net_amt, (Sum
([ivh_net_amt])-Sum([ivh_cst]))/(Sum([ivh_net_amt])) AS
Margin, (Sum([ivh_net_amt])-Sum([ivh_cst])) AS Profit,
FROM informix_store INNER JOIN (((informix_invc_hdr INNER
JOIN informix_invc_hdr_dlv ON informix_invc_hdr.ivh_id =
informix_invc_hdr_dlv.ivh_id) INNER JOIN informix_truck ON
informix_invc_hdr_dlv.ivhd_truck_id =
informix_truck.truck_id) INNER JOIN informix_invc_hdr_2 ON
informix_invc_hdr.ivh_id = informix_invc_hdr_2.ivh_id) ON
informix_store.str_nbr = informix_invc_hdr.ivh_str_nbr
WHERE (((informix_invc_hdr.ivh_dt) Between [Start Date]
And [End Date]) AND ((informix_invc_hdr.ivh_str_nbr)=
[Store Number]))
GROUP BY informix_truck.truck_nm, informix_store.str_nm
HAVING (((informix_truck.truck_nm) Like "* BOOM"))
ORDER BY informix_truck.truck_nm;

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