Two problems with Visio 2000 - MS SQL Server



I have Visio 2000 running reverse engineering from a MS
SQL Server Database.
I have two problems.

1) I want crows feet, and althought I have Nulls allowed
in the FK from SQL Server, Visio sets cardinality to "one
to cero or more" instead of "cero or one to cero or more".
I have to manually set each relation "optional" to fix

2) I dont want the FK to be part of the PK in most cases.
That is a "Non-identifying" relation. Visio represents it
with a non continuous line (dashes). I want a solid line,
but the model doesn't allow me to format it manually.
The only way to get a solid line is to "cheat" Visio ;-),
setting the relation as "Identifying", and then unchecking
the PK checkbox for that field in the entity. The line
remains continuous althought the relation is "Non-
identifying" again.
The problem is that when I do this, I lose the "optional"
check to fix the previous issue.

Does anyone know how to work this around?

Thank you
Leonardo from Argentina

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