Update field with contents of another field



I now know how to update a field, with text such as "record found", based on
the contents of another field.

I use something like this:
update tableb,tablea set tableb.blankfield = "found"
where tableb.stocknumber = tablea.stocknumber

But I need to do something a little different, and I can't figure out how to
do this:

I have a file with a link to a table in another file. And just as before, I
need to read the StockNumber field in one table and find matching records in
the linked table. When I find a match I need to update the contents of
Table-B.Location with the contents of Table-A.location

I tried, in place of "found", TableName.FieldName. but I get a message
saying Syntax error, missing operator.....
It's probably something simple, but since I've never done this before, I
don't know what the correct syntax would be.


Michel Walsh

ON tableB.stockNumber = tableA.stockNumber
SET tableB.Location= tableA.Location
WHERE tableB.Location IS NULL

Sure, just in case it does not do what you want, preferable to experiment
AFTER having made a backup. An UPDATE can make extensive damage to your
data, if not properly done.

Vanderghast, Access MVP


What is the purpose of the last line?
Is it stating "where" that field is blank? And if it isn't blank, do

Michel Walsh

Indeed, for a given record, if the location is NOT NULL, that record WON'T
be updated.

It is 'as if' you first make a SELECT ... WHERE ... and, from the records
that are returned, UPDATE them (and only them).

Vanderghast, Access MVP


I have a followup question:
I didn't explain the table and field names correctly, but I could figure it
out from what you wrote. This is your query with the corrected table/field

UPDATE Products INNER JOIN All_Locations
ON Products.ProductStock=All_Locations.Stock_Number
SET Products.Actual_Location = All_Locations.Current_Veh_Location
WHERE Products.Actual_Location IS NULL;

But my problem is; I am getting prompted for information when I run the
query. I get a popup window titled "Enter Parameter Value".
With the input box labeled "All_Locations.Current_Veh_Location"

What is causing that prompt?



You were right, I did have a typo. Current_Veh_Location should have been

But I corrected that... and I still get the same error message. I'm so

I'm Googling for answers, but everything I find points to typo errors. I've
looked very closely at the query and find none.

Any other recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Michel Walsh

Have you tried to (re-)do it with the graphical query designer? at least,
that tool reduces some typos.

Vanderghast, Access MVP


The challenge there is *how* to do that. I just started using Access
queries this week.
I guess I could look at the existing query in Design View, then delete it,
and recreate it based on the previous Design view. True?

*still lost in query land*


Well, that worked.

This is the query that worked:
UPDATE Products INNER JOIN ALL_Locations
ON ALL_Locations.Stock_Number=Products.ProductStock
SET Products.Actual_Location = ALL_Locations![Current_Veh_ Loc];

This threw the error. The main difference that I see is in the last line,
it uses an exclamation mark instead of a period between the table and field.
(I didn't use the test for null, didn't care)
UPDATE Products INNER JOIN All_Locations
ON Products.ProductStock=All_Locations.Stock_Number
SET Products.Actual_Location = All_Locations.Current_Veh_Location

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