Update Tasks and work hours don't tally



If updating task progress (for a 2 day 15 hour task, fixed work, 7.5 hr
working day) using Outlook or Web access and submitting the selected task
then the manager (under Task Updates) sees actual work, for example 7.5
hours, on the left hand side of the split screen (and 7.5 remaining) but only
7 hours on the right hand side summary for both work and actual for that day,
giving only 14.5 for the job. If the user types 8 hours work done the first
day, then the manager sees 7.75 hours of both work and actual work on the
right hand side for that day and 0.25h actual work for the second day.

What is happening? many thanks, M.

How do I attach screen dumps to help explain this?

If the schedule is adhered as projected the shouldn't the total
remain the same, and for fixed work sholdn't the total stay the same,i.e if
more hours are done first day there should be less the next day to do.

Can it be something to do with http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942387, and
the fixed 8 hours a day. I have installed the Service Packs.


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