Use value from unbound column in combo box?


Judy Ward

I have a combo box, cboSAR_ID, on a form with these properties:
Row Source: SELECT SAR_ID, SAR_Link from tblSAR;
Column Count: 2
Bound Column: 1

I have one button that uses Me.cboSAR_ID to open another form.

I want another button that uses the value of SAR_Link to open a hyperlink.
If I had bound the SAR_Link column I could use:
Application.FollowHyperlink Me.cboSAR_ID & "#",,True

Is there a way to use the value of the SAR_Link from cboSAR_ID when it is
not the bound column?

Thank you,

Marshall Barton

Judy said:
I have a combo box, cboSAR_ID, on a form with these properties:
Row Source: SELECT SAR_ID, SAR_Link from tblSAR;
Column Count: 2
Bound Column: 1

I have one button that uses Me.cboSAR_ID to open another form.

I want another button that uses the value of SAR_Link to open a hyperlink.
If I had bound the SAR_Link column I could use:
Application.FollowHyperlink Me.cboSAR_ID & "#",,True

Is there a way to use the value of the SAR_Link from cboSAR_ID when it is
not the bound column?

You can refer to any column in a combo/list box row source
by using comboname.Column(N) where N is the zero based
column number.

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