Used 3 license keys but one of the computersgot damaged and I can't deauthorize it

  • Thread starter Annette_Neumann
  • Start date


Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
Processor: Intel

I have purchased the Student Edition of Office 2008, and installed all the licenses on 3 computers.
Unfortunately water got spilled on my laptop, and it wasn't possible to salvage it.
I purchased a new laptop, but I can't use the product key, as I have used it before, and I also can't deauthorize the computer, as I don't have it anymore.
How do I proceed?


What makes you think you can't "use the product key"? Have you actually
tried & failed or are you just assuming :)? If you've tried & failed you'll
need to provide a complete detailed description of the situation including
the content of any messages produced by the attempt.

As long as you aren't installing to a system on a network where the same key
has been used on another Mac there should be no problem. The keys do not get
"used up" -- you can install using the same key as many times as you wish so
there's nothing to physically to prevent installing on the new system.

Additionally, you aren't even in violation of the EULA if the Mac on which
the key was previously used is no longer functional. If the Mac were still
in service, technically Office would need to be removed from it before using
the same key for another installation.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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