Using Min Function within DLookup Function

Jun 12, 2014
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Does anyone know if I can use a function within a DLookup?
This is what I’m trying to do:

On a form, I have a field populate indicating the first wave for the “new” wave end time updater is auto-populated as =Min([Wave]) and the start time = current time. In order to calculate end time, I will need to know the wave duration from a table I have. The field name I used in the form to identify the current wave is “WaveCur”
The original field to retrieve the wave duration looks like this:
=IIf(DLookUp("CalcTime","Time_per_Wave","[Wave]=3")/24/60 Is Null,0,DLookUp("CalcTime","Time_per_Wave","[Wave]=3")/24/60)
But, the wave is ever changing, so I need that criteria to pull from the min wave I previously mentioned. I want to do something like this:
=IIf(DLookUp("CalcTime","UpdateTime_per_Wave","[Wave]=Min([Wave]")/24/60 Is Null,0,DLookUp("CalcTime","UpdateTime_per_Wave","[Wave]= Min([Wave]")/24/60)
=IIf(DLookUp("CalcTime","UpdateTime_per_Wave","[Wave]=[UpdateWave_Times_Form]![WaveCur]")/24/60 Is Null,0,DLookUp("CalcTime","UpdateTime_per_Wave","[Wave]=[UpdateWave_Times_Form]![WaveCur]")/24/60)
But neither of those actually work….Is there a way or should I use a different function other than DLookup???

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