Visio 2007 Silent Install



Hello Everyone,
I have looked around through other threads, and there is threads about
silent installs, but none of them solved it for me.

I am trying to do a silent install just for visio 2007, i created a custom
MSP which is fine, but when i run the script
\\server\ms2007\Visiostd\setup.exe /adminfile
It comes up with: Install now, or Customise.
Which involves user input! im trying to do it on 100+ computers so thats not

I looked through the other threads and saw people were mentioning the config
file, so i tried
\\server\ms2007\Visiostd\setup.exe /adminfile
\\server\ms2007\Visiostd\custvisiostd.msp /config

This still comes up with the same thing, i then tried editing the xml file
but dont know what im exactly meant to edit.

Eric A.

In the custom.msp do you have the display setting set to "none" and "Supress


Eric A. said:
In the custom.msp do you have the display setting set to "none" and "Supress

I cant check till monday but thanks, ill have a look then......any other
ideas then throw them out there :)


Yes i put the display level to none, suppress modals is turned off.
I used these exact instructions from microsoft:

1. Ensure you have an actual enterprise/corporate disc & product-key.
2. Notably, o2k7 uses setup patches (*.MSP) rather than transforms which
previous versions used (*.MST). The below instructions will give you an MSP
file, which is not accepted by non-corporate versions of o2k7. If you ignored
point1 above, then you will end up wasting 15 minutes of your life which I'm
not responsible for.
3. Now at the command prompt, type: setup.exe /admin
4. Choose the product for which you want to make a customization-patch.
5. Then go through all steps in the customization wizard (to install the
reqd apps & remove junk & change default settings).
6. Be sure to have "completion notice" turned on & "suppress modals" turned
off (this is to get to see errors, if any exist). Once you're done with
testing, go thru the customization again to modify the MSP to disable
completion notice & enable suppress modals.
7. Save the resulting patch file in the same folder as o2k7 setup files.
8. Now just execute this command (thru any method) for silent install:
setup.exe /adminfile CUSTOM.MSP

Or if you have the Office 2007 Enterprise VLK, you could even drop the
CUSTOM.MSP file in the "Updates" folder & setup will pick it up automatically
(without any switches being used). For this, ensure you have WindowsInstaller
3.1 already installed.

*** For completely silent install, you MUST set the DisplayLevel to "none",
either by MSP (accessible from step 6 above) or by xml, otherwise you'll get
a confirmation dialog similar to the image shown in attachment below. (do
this only AFTER testing, when you're sure it works)

can anyone see anything this misses or anything wrong?


ahh cool i got it working, thanks.....had to put supress modal on and
completion notice off...thanks, that was simple!

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