Weird office 2003 errors, freezes up garbled screen.



Hey there,

I have a co-worker that is experiencing some issues with her office 2003.
Every so often, out of nowhere, she could be doing anything, working on a
word document, or working in power point (those are the two programs the
freeze happens most) the computer freezes. She does nothing to trigger this,
and after it freezes the screen displays this junk:

Any help is appreciated.

I checked the event viewer, nothing there, when the computer freezes it goes
completely unresponsive and I cannot do anything without restarting it!

Steve Rindsberg

Hey there,

I have a co-worker that is experiencing some issues with her office 2003.
Every so often, out of nowhere, she could be doing anything, working on a
word document, or working in power point (those are the two programs the
freeze happens most) the computer freezes. She does nothing to trigger this,
and after it freezes the screen displays this junk:

Any help is appreciated.

I checked the event viewer, nothing there, when the computer freezes it goes
completely unresponsive and I cannot do anything without restarting it!

By junk, you mean the colored dots more or less in center of screen, right?

It looks/smells/sounds like a video driver problem.

Try this:

How to set graphics hardware acceleration back

Also, check to see if there are updated drivers on the video card manufacturer's
web site.

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